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When do I call for help?
We recommend that users call for help when they can’t access the internet or have an emergency issue that can’t wait for a ticket to be submitted
Should I turn my computer off at night?
No – we recommend that you leave your computer on at night. This is when we take care of critical maintenance such as virus scans, patching and disc clean up.
When are patches installed?
Patches are installed on a nightly basis as the software becomes available. They are done after 9:00pm in your time zone.
What should I do before I call the help desk?
When possible, write down any information about error messages and take screen shots your issue. Next, attempt to recreate the issue. Oftentimes, it helps to close the program and restart the computer to reset the system, and possibly resolve the problem.
What is my computer name?
Move your mouse pointer over the brown ManagedIRON icon in the bottom right corner of your computer screen. Let it sit for just a second and the name of your PC will appear.
My internet is down!
Is it really the internet or is it your web browser? Or, is it just your email? Check to see if others are having the same problem. Can you let us know anything specific about the issue? If you have the ability, can you restart your Internet modem or firewall?
Why can’t I print?
Well, sometimes it’s the basics. As silly as it sounds, most of the time we troubleshoot a printer issue, the printer is either turned off or out of paper. If the problem is not something basic, we recommend you check your printer for any error messages or colored lights and take note of those to include in your ticket submission.
Need assistance? Call 713-574-5555 Option 2
IronEdge Group Recognized on CRN’s 2024 MSP 500 List
Houston, Texas, February 12, 2024 — IronEdge Group is honored…