b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_10_logo_onefive_400.jpgMicrosoft Windows 10 is being released this week to the public. For the first time, Microsoft is releasing this Operating System upgrade via Windows Update which could adversely impact your company and end user computers if not managed correctly.

Windows 10 is the latest release of the desktop operating system (OS) from Microsoft. It’s the first of the new release type from Microsoft. Instead of purchasing the new operating system through a retail store or from IronEdge Group, users have the option of downloading the new OS via Microsoft’s Windows Update engine.

Users have been given the option of reserving an installation through their computer patching systems, also known as Windows Update. IronEdge has taken steps to prevent end users from approving this patch and installing it, however it is worth noting that some systems may have been updated by the end users and the install could be approved outside of our standard procedures.

This is the first time Microsoft is releasing a new OS via their patching engine. Microsoft will begin the roll out of Windows 10 in stages, beginning July 29th. If an end user has accepted the reservation, the computer will begin downloading the new operating system. The installation and upgrade will happen after July 29th once all files are downloaded.

IronEdge Group is taking measures to prevent unauthorized installations of this new system by building scripts that run on the machines currently supported by our ManagedIRON platform. This process will be running over the next few days and should mitigate most risk of installation. If any systems do manage to become authorized for installation, IronEdge will be working to define a process and procedure to roll back to the original state of the computers until such time as your organization is prepared for a Windows 10 upgrade roll out.

IronEdge is proactively addressing this concern in three ways:
1. Silently uninstalling the update that enables Windows 10 (if installed)
2. Changing a Registry Key to block the install (if a user has already approved the OS download)
3. Blocking the patch that enables the install of Windows 10 (the initial pop up of “Would you like to upgrade to OS 10?”)


Please contact your IronEdge Account Manager if you have any further questions, concerns or would like to know more about Windows 10 and how it may impact your business.

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