
These days, businesses practically expect disaster. With so many high-profile hacking attacks in the news, people are paranoid and fear for their data. Yet, even more businesses don’t fear enough, which can lead to unexpected data loss from hackers, natural disasters, and even user error. As a CIO or IT Department Manager, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your organization’s data backup is prepared to handle disasters of all kinds.

Natural Disasters

Floods, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, electrical storms; all of these can destroy your business’s data infrastructure, and possibly even your physical infrastructure. Without data backup, you could lose everything due to a freak accident or weather incident. Hardware failures, in particular, can be prevented if identified in time.

User Error
Let’s face it; people make mistakes, and these mistakes can often be detrimental if you don’t have measures put into place to protect your data. Whether it’s handing over security credentials to the wrong person, or simply misplacing a file, user error is known to be a major problem that can lead to data theft or loss.

Security Breaches
When a hacker breaks into your infrastructure, chances are that they’re either looking to start trouble, or steal something. More often than not, you’ll be faced with a situation that could lead to data loss, be it theft or complete and total annihilation.


What do you need to keep data loss to a minimum? A dynamic backup and disaster recovery solution is able to provide your business with the following four preventative measures to limit data loss, and maximize uptime:

Regular Backups
One of the best ways to keep data loss low is to take backups as often as every 15 minutes. The more backups you take, the less data you lose in the event of a disaster.

Rapid Recovery
Data backups mean nothing if you don’t have the means to deploy them quickly. A BDR solution is capable of acting as a server in your time of need, and your data can be deployed to it in the event of downtime.

Off-Site and Cloud-Based Storage
If you store your data backups in-house or on your corporate network, chances are that they’ll be wiped out, along with any of your other data that’s stored in-house. By keeping your backups tucked away in the cloud, you accomplish two things:

  1. You protect it from natural disasters that could threaten your physical infrastructure
  2. You can deploy your backups quickly in the event of a disaster.

For more information about how IronEdge Group’s experts can help your company’s Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) even better, reach out to Iron Edge Group at (832) 910-9222 .

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