Author Archives: Patrick Maese

IT Admin’s Toolbox – 4 Steps to Successful Script Automation

While scripts are a powerful automation tool, if not done correctly, they can leave you [...]

It’s Time to Write a Eulogy for the Internet as We Know It

The Internet is prone to change. We all know this and have experienced it firsthand. [...]

If You’re Ever Hit With Sudden Power Loss, this Device Will Save the Day

Imagine working diligently, then being abruptly cut off due to an unpredictable power surge. It [...]

IBM Drops Bomb on the Industry By Storing Data on an Atom

Data storage has long been a major pain point for technology development, but a rather [...]

Tablet Battle: Galaxy Tab S3 vs iPad Pro

Two of the primary developers of tablets–Apple and Samsung–have created two of the most popular [...]

4 Cutting-Edge Technologies Within Your Grasp

It’s fascinating to look back to what people of the past predicted our technology would [...]

Tip of the Week: How to Get Wi-Fi in Your Car and Track its Whereabouts

  The Internet of Things is quickly becoming a major part of today’s consumer-based industry. [...]

IBM’s Supercomputer Watson: Jeopardy! Winner, Customer Service Rep., and Now, Tax Professional

Watson, IBM’s famous question-answering supercomputer, has held many jobs over the years. After dominating the [...]

With These 3 Features, a Thief May Take Your Phone, But They’ll Never Take Your Data

One of the biggest fears of every smartphone user is having their phone stolen. Compounding [...]